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Allegations against Rammstein members

From RammWiki

NOTE: This website is not taking any sides in this case. We will post nothing more than a timeline of events from the beginning. As soon as something noteworthy happens, the timeline will be edited. Please respect the privacy and the right to people‘s opinions, even if these should differ from yours.

Date Description
22.05.2023 Rammstein are playing their concert in Vilnius, Lithuania.
23.05.2023 Shelby Lynn shares the first Reddit post, titled "Fuck Rammstein." In this post she shared the first photo of the bruises on her body. The post has since been deleted by moderators of the Subreddit.
24.05.2023 Shelby Lynn shared the second Reddit post, titled "Update on a piked girl (me)." The post has since been deleted by moderators of the Subreddit.
25.05.2023 Shelby Lynn starts a Twitter/X account and gives a detailed report about her story. She includes videos and photos.
28.05.2023 Rammstein are posting the first statement to Twitter/X:

With regard to the allegations circulating on the internet about Vilnius, we can rule out the possibility that what is being claimed took place in our environment.

We are not aware of any official investigations into this matter.

30.05.2023 As the very first, ease agency distanced themselves on Instagram from the band and promised to help to clear all things up. They did so, even though their contract ended months before already:

Statement on the current allegations against Till Lindemann

Since April 13th we are no longer working for Rammstein and distancing ourselves from the band as well as the behavior expressed by the current accusations.

We deeply condemn this and will also contribute to the clarification of the accusations according to our possibilities.

Malte Schröber CEO / ease agency GmbH

30.05.2023 After sharing multiple screenshots of such online articles herself, Shelby Lynn cleared up that Till did not touch or rape her:

I’d like to clarify again. Till did NOT touch me. He accepted I did not want to have sex with him. I never claimed he raped me. Please read the entire Twitter thread for full context before making reports.

31.05.2023 Colonel Kurtz releases a video interview with another girl from row 0 that day. She is denying all of Shelby Lynn‘s claims.
02.06.2023 The German newspaper "Süddeutsche Zeitung" is releasing the first big article about the accusations. For the article the journalists talked to multiple women who have experiences with Till Lindemann.
02.06.2023 Book publisher "Kiepenheuer & Witsch" is ending the contracts with Till Lindemann.
02.06.2023 Jadu released a statement in her Instagram stories, in which she defends Till and says to never have experienced anything bad with or around him. Jadu was the support act on the Lindemann tour 2020.
03.06.2023 Rammstein release their second statement on Instagram:

The publications of the last few days have caused irritation and questions among the public and especially among our fans. The accusations have hit us all very hard and we take them extremely seriously.

To our fans we say: It is important to us that you feel comfortable and safe at our shows - in front of and behind the stage.

We condemn any kind of assault and ask you: Do not participate in public pre-judgements of any kind towards those who have made accusations. They have a right to their point of view.

But we, the band, also have a right - not to be prejudged either.

04.06.2023 The German newspaper "Welt am Sonntag" is releasing the second big story about the allegations.
05.06.2023 German YouTuber Kayla Shyx releases her video about her experiences at Till‘s aftershow party. She also repeats some of the allegations made by other people.
05.06.2023 German drugstore "Rossmann" is banning all Rammstein perfumes from their online shop.
06.06.2023 German YouTuber "Rezo" also releases his video about the allegations.
07.06.2023 German "BILD" newspaper reports about GGPoker distancing from Till Lindemann.
07.06.2023 A Dutch newspaper reports that the video Child of Sin would not be released.
07.06.2023 Berlin public prosecutor's office is starting investigations against Till Lindemann. They kept this a secret until 14.06.2023.
08.06.2023 Till‘s lawyers, Schertz Bergmann, are releasing their 1st press release. It's about what they see going wrong in the way the media is reporting about the allegations.
08.06.2023 The Theater Regensburg announced to not perform the "Mein Herz brennt" cycle.
09.06.2023 Spiegel releases their article "Sex, Macht, Alkohol – was die jungen Frauen aus der »Row Zero« berichten."
09.06.2023 German newspaper "Thüringer Allgemeine" reports about design agency Samt&Seidel not wanting to work together with Till Lindemann anymore.
09.06.2023 Lithuanian police is reporting about not starting any investigations.
09.06.2023 The third big story about the allegations is being released by "SPIEGEL."
13.06.2023 The company Riggingwerk does not want to work with Till Lindemann anymore.
13.06.2023 Spiegel has to add a counterstatement at the bottom of their article "Sex, Macht, Alkohol – was die jungen Frauen aus der »Row Zero« berichten."
14.06.2023 Flake‘s podcast is being halted.
14.06.2023 Zana Ramadani is sharing her experience with Till Lindemann.
14.06.2023 The Berlin public prosecutor's office announced to have started investigations against Till Lindemann.
15.06.2023 Universal Music will stop promoting Rammstein releases.
16.06.2023 Schneider releases a statement about the allegations on Instagram:

Dear all, I would like to share my personal emotions and thoughts with you.

The accusations of the last weeks have deeply shaken us as a band and me as a human being. You fans as well, I‘m sure. I feel like I am in shock by the things that have been shared and printed on social media and in the press about our singer. This is an up and down of emotions for us band members and crew.

No, I don‘t think anything criminal (like the use of knockout drops) happened. No. I don‘t think anything forbidden was going on, never observed anything like that and never heard anything like that from anyone in our crew of a hundred. All I witnessed from Till‘s parties were adults partying with each other. And yet, apparently things happened that - while legally okay - I personally don‘t think are okay.

Certain structures have grown that went beyond the boundaries and values of the rest of the band members. It is also important to us that Till‘s parties are not confused with our official aftershow parties.

Till has distanced himself from us in recent years and created his own bubble. With his own people, his own parties, his own projects. That made me sad, definitely. I believe Till when he tells us that he always wanted and wants to give his private guests a good time. However, how exactly these guests had imagined this, apparently differs in some cases from his own ideas. The wishes and expectations of the women who have now come forward were probably not fulfilled. According to their statements, they felt uncomfortable, on the verge of a situation they could no longer control. I am sorry for them and I feel sympathy.

Nevertheless, it is important for me to emphasize something objective: Every guest in the backstage area is free to leave (he might have to wait a short time to be brought safely to the exit by a security). All bottles are sealed and freshly opened in front of the guests or they open them themselves.

Water and snacks are available at all times just like security personnel and medical care.

We want all our guests to feel comfortable and safe with us! That is our standard. So I am sorry to hear that some did not feel that way.

We have the greatest fans in the world and all deserve to be treated with respect! I‘m sorry for anyone who didn‘t feel comfortable or safe backstage with us. Also for Shelby, she deserved a great concert and a wonderful evening.

But I don‘t want this whole public dispute about our band to feed the extremes:

Neither the beast social media, which has not yet been tamed by our society, nor paternalistic tendencies to deny women in their mid-20s the ability to make self-determined decisions about their sexuality, and also in no way victim blaming, so that people continue to dare to talk about it when something has happened to them.

I would like to see a calm, level-headed reflection and coming to terms, also in our band. And all together, six of us. We stand together.

Your Christoph Schneider

16.06.2023 The anniversary edition of Sehnsucht is not being considered for the charts.
16.06.2023 Flake‘s appearance in the talkshow "Ina‘s Nacht" is being cut out.
16.06.2023 The Amadeu Antonio Stiftung is collecting donations to help women in their fight against Till Lindemann. They collected a sum of 826,192 €.
18.06.2023 Schneider posts a photo of his and Till's hands holding each other, followed by the text "We stand together."
20.06.2023 The "Peng. Kollektiv" is trying to get tickets to the concerts in Berlin, because they plan "something big."
21.06.2023 "Tagesspiegel" reports that the Berlin public prosecutor's office is already investigating against Till since June 7.
22.06.2023 "Das Verlagshaus" is halting the release of the new photo book Der Rhein.
23.06.2023 The Public prosecutor's office in Vilnius reports that they will not start investigations against Till Lindemann.
23.06.2023 Schertz Bergmann release a screenshot on Twitter/X of an advertising for #metoo articles, which uses a photo of Till Lindemann.
25.06.2023 Unknown people spray graffiti on a wall near TIll's house: "Till Lindemann is a rapist."
26.06.2023 An unknown group of people posted on "Kontrapolis" that they attacked the Rammstein building in the Hertzstraße, Berlin. Windows were broken and graffiti was sprayed on doors. The activists call for "creatively disrupting, sabotaging and preventing the planned Rammstein concerts in Berlin on July 15, 16, and 18."
26.06.2023 Schertz Bergmann is releasing the 2nd press release. It's about the Vilnius public prosecutor's office not doing any investigations and that the bruises on Shelby Lynn's body are most likely without cause of accident without external influence.
05.07.2023 In a now deleted post, the official Instagram account of Till Lindemann promoted the soon release of the music video for Child of Sin.
06.07.2023 German newspaper "Welt" is releasing their first part of the podcast.
07.07.2023 Lawyers Lichte Rechtsanwälte are releasing a statement about Regional Court Hamburg issuing a ban against "SPIEGEL" for their story "Der Fall Rammstein."
10.07.2023 Christian Schertz gave an interview to
12.07.2023 German newspaper "Welt" is releasing their second part of the podcast.
15.07.2023 A demonstration with around 200 people took place in front of the Olympiastadion in Berlin. One of the demonstrants was seen holding a "Kill your toxic masculinity Till" poster. "your toxic masculinity" was deliberately written very small, so that from afar people were only able to read "Kill Till."
16.07.2023 Again unknown activists share their acts against Till Lindemann on "Kontrapolis." This time it's graffitis saying "Till, wir krien (sic) dich" ("Till, we'll get you"), "Täter töten" ("Kill perpetrators"), and "Rammstein zerschlagen" ("Smash Rammstein"), flyers with "Sterbehilfe für Vergewaltiger" ("Euthanasia for rapists"), and a tombstone with Till's name on it.
17.07.2023 Schertz Bergmann is releasing the 3rd press release. It has since been deleted. It was about the Regional Court Hamburg issuing a ban against "SPIEGEL" for their story "Der Fall Rammstein." (Archived)
17.07.2023 "Tagesschau" is reporting about allegations now made against Flake.
17.07.2023 "Tagesspiegel" reports about two people being arrested by the police at the Rammstein concert on July 16. They were found handling cable ducts. Another person was able to flee.
18.07.2023 The "Peng. Kollektiv" is taking full responsibility for the action at the Rammstein concert on July 16.
19.07.2023 The "TAZ" reports about Till Lindemann visiting the KitKat club in Berlin.
20.07.2023 After the Regional Court Hamburg has issued a ban on some statements made in the "SPIEGEL" story "Der Fall Rammstein," the user @rammsteinkenner compared the old and new versions of the story on Twitter/X.
20.07.2023 Ann-Katrin Müller posts a statement on Twitter/X, in which she claims that some of the things from the third Schertz Bergmann press release (see 17.07.2023) are not true.
21.07.2023 The "TAZ" previously reported about Rammstein having been to the Kit Kat Club in Berlin. They issued a correction for that article.
23.07.2023 Simon Bergmann gave an interview to "Cicero."
24.07.2023 "" is reporting about a woman from Austria, who claims that Till hit her on the buttocks against her will.
25.07.2023 "SPIEGEL" is reporting about the ban issued against them by the Regional Court Hamburg and is releasing the full court decision.
25.07.2023 Schertz Bergmann is releasing the 4th press release. It's about a preliminary injunction against Kayla Shyx.
26.07.2023 Demonstrations in front of the Rammstein concert in Vienna. Again with a "Kill Till" poster.
27.07.2023 Shelby Lynn is holding a speech in Berlin.
31.07.2023 Kayla Shyx is releasing a video statement about the preliminary injunction.
04.08.2023 "SPIEGEL" releases a story about a woman, who claims to have been having a romantic relationship with Till in 2011, when she was 15.
04.08.2023 A user posted a long article in which he shows the many inconsistencies Shelby Lynn made in her story over time.
05.08.2023 "BILD" reports about a burglary in Till Lindemann's apartment.
05.08.2023 Marion Schöne, CEO of the Olympiapark München, refuses to name Rammstein and just says "a German rock band" in a review of the year:

A German rock band even filled the stadium 4 times - an absolute record - but in view of the revelations of some female fans, no joy could arise with me about it.

11.08.2023 Schertz Bergmann is releasing the 5th press release. It's about preliminary injunctions against "Süddeutsche Zeitung" and "Tagesschau."
15.08.2023 Schertz Bergmann is releasing the 6th press release. It's about "SPIEGEL" failing to forbid Schertz Bergmann some passages in their statement from 17.07.2023.
15.08.2023 Schertz Bergmann is releasing the full court decision against "SPIEGEL" on their Twitter/X.
16.08.2023 "Tagesschau" reports that Till Lindemann took back his lawsuit against the website Campact.
16.08.2023 Schertz Bergmann is releasing the 7th press release. It's about another preliminary injuction against "Tagesschau."
17.08.2023 Schertz Bergmann is releasing the 8th press release. It's about the Regional Court Hamburg seeing all of Shelby Lynn's statements as free speech and not as expression of suspicion.
18.08.2023 Lawyer Jasper Prigge releases a statement. He also releases the full court decision.
18.08.2023 "SPIEGEL" reports that the two German politicians, Dorothee Bär and Julia Klöckner, are inviting Shelby Lynn to an event of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group in the German Bundestag in the fall.
29.08.2023 Schertz Bergmann is releasing the 9th press release. It's about the Berlin public prosecutor's office announcing to stop their investiations against Till Lindemann.
29.08.2023 The Berlin public prosecutor's office is releasing their own statement about ending the investigations against Till Lindemann.
04.09.2023 "SPIEGEL" was now successful against Schertz Bergmann and their press release from 17.07.2023. Schertz Bergmann said that "SPIEGEL" was forbidden to use two "Tatsachenbehauptungen" (Statements of facts), while in reality those were "Verdachtsberichterstattung" ("Suspicious Activity Reporting"). As a result Schertz Bergmann deleted the press release.
15.09.2023 Schertz Bergmann is releasing the 10th press release. It's about a case in Austria and the report of the ORF.
19.10.2023 Schertz Bergmann is releasing the 11th press release. It's about the reprimant against Süddeutsche Zeitung, SPIEGEL and Kayla Shyx.
30.10.2023 Simon Bergmann gave an interview to Neue Zürcher Zeitung, in which he reveals a few more details.
31.10.2023 The website "Kein Rammstein in Berlin" goes online.
21.03.2024 Das Erste shows the 30 minutes documentary "Rammstein - Die Reihe Null".
13.05.2024 German TV station Das Erste shows a documentary abour Dr. Christian Schertz, partner of Simon Bergmann, who is the lawyer for Till Lindemann.
28.05.2024 Lena Kampf and Daniel Drepper release their 272 pages book "Row Zero: Gewalt und Machtmissbrauch in der Musikindustrie".
15.05.2024 Schertz Bergmann is releasing the 12th press release. It's about Shelby Lynn's complaint to the Lithuanian police and an affidavit by a witness to Der Spiegel.
15.05.2024 NDR is releasing episodes 1 and 2 of their podcast "Row Zero."
22.05.2024 NDR is releasing episode 3 of their podcast "Row Zero."
29.05.2024 NDR is releasing episode 4 of their podcast "Row Zero."
04.06.2024 The band claimed that the background music for the podcast "Rammstein - Row Zero" with their songs was in breach of copyright. In a reference order dated June 4, 2024, the Hamburg Regional Court (LG) agreed with this assessment. The court justified this as follows: The use of the songs as background music was an adaptation within the meaning of Section 23 (1) of the German Copyright Act (UrhG). This was not covered by the Gema contracts, so that the consent of the authors would have been required (310 O 142/24)
05.06.2024 NDR deleted all episodes of their podcast "Row Zero."
05.07.2024 NDR uploaded edited versions of all episodes of their podcast "Row Zero."
24.07.2024 The Hamburg Regional Court issued an injunction on 24.07.2024 (AZ 324 O 307/24) prohibiting NDR from arousing the suspicion in episode 2 of the podcast that Till Lindemann had performed sexual acts on an unconscious woman without her consent. Furthermore, it was prohibited from creating a false impression.
26.07.2024 Schertz Bergmann is releasing the 13th press release. It's about episode 2 of the NDR podcast "Row Zero."
01.08.2024 In a ruling dated 01.08.2024 (Ref. 324 O 306/24 ), the Hamburg Regional Court prohibited NDR from arousing and/or causing to be aroused the suspicion that Till Lindemann had performed sexual acts on a woman referred to in the podcast as "Cynthia A." without her consent and against her recognizable will.
01.08.2024 Schertz Bergmann is releasing the 15th press release. It's about criminal charges of forgery and attempted trial fraud against SPIEGEL executives due to the affidavits submitted by SPIEGEL in the injunction proceedings against Till Lindemann.
07.08.2024 Schertz Bergmann is releasing the 15th press release. It's about episode 1 of the NDR podcast "Row Zero."
08.08.2024 NDR removed episode 1 of their podcast "Row Zero."

NDR podcast "Row Zero"

Date Description Download
The NDR (Norddeutscher Rundfunk) released episodes 1 ("Vorhang auf") and 2 ("Unter der Bühne") of their podcast "Row Zero."
22.05.2024 NDR released episode 3 ("Spiel mit Grenzen") of their podcast.
29.05.2024 NDR released episode 4 ("Macht und Missbrauch") of their podcast.
04.06.2024 In a court ruling it was decided that the use of the songs as background music was an adaptation within the meaning of Section 23 (1) of the German Copyright Act (UrhG). This was not covered by the GEMA contracts, so that the consent of the authors would have been required (310 O 142/24).
05.06.2024 NDR removed all episodes of their podcast.
04.07.2024 NDR uploaded edited versions of all episodes of their podcast. At the end of each episode there is now a detailed list of used songs in that episode, as well as writers and composers for all songs, and the album those songs are from. Additionally NDR had to edit out some parts of songs used during the episodes.
24.07.2024 The Hamburg Regional Court is prohibiting NDR from arousing the suspicion in episode 2 of the podcast that Till Lindemann had performed sexual acts on an unconscious woman without her consent. Furthermore, it was prohibited from creating a false impression (AZ 324 O 307/24).
26.07.2024 Schertz Bergmann released a press statement about episode 2 of the NDR podcast.
29.07.2024 NDR replaced episode 2 with a newly edited one.
01.08.2024 The Hamburg Regional Court prohibited NDR from arousing and/or causing to be aroused the suspicion that Till Lindemann had performed sexual acts on a woman referred to in the podcast as "Cynthia A." without her consent and against her recognizable will (Ref. 324 O 306/24).
07.08.2024 Schertz Bergmann released a press statement about episode 1 of the NDR podcast.
08.08.2024 NDR removed episode 1 of their podcast.
15.08.2024 NDR re-uploaded episode 1 of their podcast for only a short time before deleting it again. Also episode 2 has been deleted.
15.08.2024 Episode 1 and 2 were uploaded again in the evening.
19.08.2024 Episode 3 was re-uploaded.
23.08.2024 Schertz Bergmann released a press statement about episodes 3 and 4 of the NDR podcast.

Episode lengths

# Title
04.07.2024 29.07.2024 15.08.2024 19.08.2024
1 Vorhang auf 40:15 42:29 42:49
2 Unter der Bühne 49:52 50:39 50:08 50:42
3 Spiel mit Grenzen 49:30 51:47 51:19
4 Macht und Missbrauch 53:27 54:01